Multitude on the Walls – Football Fans Graffiti and Street Art (Mitja Velikonja)
Football fans graffiti and street art are one of the most distinctive and intriguing urban signs in the urbanscape of any European city and town. The main question of the lecture is how to understand the diversity of contemporary football fans graffiti and street art and what are their ideological meanings. The ongoing research is based on theoretical concepts of multitude (M. Hardt and A. Negri), rhizome (G. Deleuze and F. Guattari) and metamodernism (T. Vermeulen and R. Van den Akker) and on intensive fieldwork in different European countries, with cca. 1.200 of original photos were taken and semi-structured and in-debth interviews with football ultras done. Author argues that it is impossible to make a unified interpretative scheme of this kind of visual expressivity, that we are not faced with “variations on a theme”, but instead with a plural singularity of multitude that creates meanings on bases of different contexts, particular interests and concrete ambitions.
The lecture will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Mitja Velikonja Department for Cultural Studies Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.